PGIR20epn (AT 2020sip): a reddened nova in Vulpecula?

I managed to observe PGIR20epn (AT 2020sip), a highly reddened nova candidate remotely with T24 of, a 0.61m reflector located in Sierra Remote Observatory at Auberry, California, USA. It's very faint, I estimate the brightness between 19.0 and 20.0 Rc magnitudes. This is my faintest ever galactic nova candidate observation I guess.

Spectroscopy and multiband photometry are encouraged!

PGIR20epn in Rc band, September 3.2520 UT 2020 (2x90s, stacked).

PGIR20epn in Ic band, September 3.2493 UT 2020 (2x90s, stacked).


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